- Aujourd'hui, je gagnais mes Starcoins, comme d'habitude. Pensant avoir atteint mes 40 Starcoins, je vais vérifier en cliquant dessus, et là, mon cœur s'arrête presque net :
- Stardoll soutient l'association qui sensibilise à la violence faite aux femmex. Une page est consacrée, un concours, des informations, beaucoup de choses que je vous conseille de lire. Des dolls ont fait des photos très touchantes et j'ai eu vraiment envi de vous les faire découvrir...
Je pense que vous avez toutes et tous vu la nouvelle campagne de Stardoll "16 jours".Après le Pink Ribbon, voici une nouvelle cause à défendre ! On peut tou(te)s faire bouger les choses !
Hello readers, Haley here with a little informational post on a few fashion items. I've found real-life versions of some beautiful clothing items we have the privilege to own here on Stardoll.
I figured it'd be nice for you all to see comparison shots of Stardoll-version items and celebrities wearing the real versions. Enjoy, and good luck for those of you going on the hunt to find these!
- Ce week-end, on fête les 25 ans du Téléthon. Ce grand marathon permet de récolter des fonds pour les associations luttant contre les maladies génétiques neuromusculaires, dont la myopathie, et pour certaines maladies génétiques rares telles que la mucoviscidose.
The current fashion trend on Stardoll is no doubt, the chic leopard print. In almost every store is Starplaza you can find leopard print clothing. Leopard print isn't only big with clothes!
- Tortoiseshell, a very popular and long-standing item, has been used for many things in the past. It's been used in numerous hair accessories, to back hairbrushes, in sunglasses, tea sets, jewelry boxes and most importantly, jewelry.
Primarily it's a brown, black and often an orange pattern, nowadays made from plastic or plastic-like materials. So, you're probably wondering if it's tortoiseshell then why is it made of plastic?
The design tortoiseshell came from when people would use the shell of an actual hawksbill tortoise. When the population of this specific tortoise caused for alarm, people backed off and began using plastic to achieve the desired look of the actual tortoise's shell.
- It's Friday and I'm glad! It's been a busy week here at Stardoll, and we've been keeping busy with a lot of fun stuff - all happening in the next few weeks. (wink!) But that's not why I'm blogging today...
It's Dream Suite time!
orange008's suite caught my eye this week because yesterday (Thursday the 24th) was Thanksgiving! And what better way to celebrate one of the biggest holidays in the United States than to feature a traditional Thanksgiving feast. I'm thankful that orange008 took the time to acknowledge this special day.
I'm also thankful that orange008 also created a very unique neanderthal cave, a bakery filled with yummy treats, a green-friendly space and ghosts playing instruments. Yes, you heard me right: a four-piece supernatural band!
Check out the photos below, then go directly to orange008's suite, because I've only scratched the surface of what talent and adventure you'll find there. Enjoy!
- Hello American Stardollies!
And Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Today, to help share and celebrate Thanksgiving with our Stardoll team, I brought in two very special and familiar pies - pumpkin and pecan! Julia_Stardoll took a photo with her phone and shared it with me to share with you!
- A l'occasion du match de foot amical entre la Belgique et la France le 15 novembre dernier, je vous ai demandé d'écrire une ode à nos voisins. Parmi toutes les propositions, en voici quelques unes, lyriques, drôles, chaleureuses...
Rencontre nos Starbloggeuses
Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll