- Voici une petite astuce pour se faire une jolie bague spéciale Noël ;)
Leopard Print Liner, Scoprion Inspired & Snow Leopard Inspired Make-up.
- Comme vous le savez, aujourd'hui, 6 décembre, nous commémorons la Saint Nicolas. Mais connaissez-vous la vraie légende de Saint Nicolas ? Non ? Alors découvrons la ensemble :
Picture via Stardoll
Vincent Van Gogh has got to be one of my favorite artists. Not many people appreciated him and his art when he was alive, and truly his art is phenomenal.
The Chanel Tribute store has finally returned to starplaza with a brand new holiday collection for the coming months. In a typical Chanel fashion, the clothes are all very elegant and stylish. To get some inspiration on how to wear the collection lets check out some stardoll members who are currently rocking the look!
Many Stardoll users are confused as to what Lottery Dresses are, why they're so rare, how they were attained and what in the world do they look like.
I hope this post clears up any confusion anybody had about them. So to start, here's what the highly sought-after gowns look like:x
Above are the lottery dresses. The only lottery dresses. So don't be fooled if someone tries to pass off a regular dress as a lottery dress. There were only 20 of them.
- Et oui ! Noël, c'est dans moins d'un mois ! Il faut donc penser aux préparatifs de ce dernier. (Liste de Noël, décoration du sapin [pour ceux qui le font], ...)
- Je suis presque sûre que toutes celles et ceux qui lisent ça adorent les bonbons :P !
"Chamallows, Réglisse, Schtroumpf, Mistral (bouteille de cola), Fraises Tagada, Dragibus, Ours d'Or (les nounours), Pimous..."
Hello readers! Today I bring you a little recipe for a very yummy treat: Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Pie. Granted, it isn't the healthiest thing in the world, but treating yourself once in a while isn't bad? Here's what the finished product will look like:
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Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll