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- Jennifer Aniston got engaged earlier this year and she's still looking for places to have the wedding ceremony. But now she can give up looking - since she's getting married at her friend Julia Roberts' house: "Julia’s gorgeous estate in New Mexico is the type of setting Jen wants", a close friend to Jen says. "She's crazy about the place and is looking to be married this fall". The ranch would provide the best place for a tent they could have the most perfect Southwestern-style wedding for about 100 close friends and family. Sounds SO romantic! We can't wait- and yea, we'd love to get an invitation! (ok!)
- Eva Longoria und der NFL-Star Mark Sanchez haben diesen Sommer angefangen miteinander auszugehen und nun berichten Quellen, dass bei dem Paar "bereits ein kleines unterwegs ist"!
- Jennifer Lopez and her ex Marc Anthony are fighting about how to raise their twins, Max and Emme, and it's just getting worse after J.Lo revealed how she wants to them to be the next big stars, and that she's already planning on being their manager - or "momager". "Jennifer has set her mind on becoming a "momager", a close source says. "She wants them to follow her footsteps into showbiz while Marc is insisting they go to school like normal kids and when they're 18 they can decide what they want to do with their lives". Well, Marc, you're so right. So, so, SO right this time! (radaronline)
- Tom Cruise wurde in letzter Zeit mit zahlreichen mysteriösen Frauen an seiner Seite gesichtet, aber er sagt, dass er noch immer nicht bereit ist seine frühere Ehefrau Katie Holmes vollends loszulassen.
- Twi-hards sind begeistert, aber da sind auch viele die über Kristen Stewarts und Robert Pattinsons Reunion skeptisch sind, sogar ihre engsten Freunde! Quellen enthüllen, dass ihre Freunde nicht an ihre Entscheidung glauben wieder zusammen zu sein und Robs Freunde sind immer noch von Kristens vergangenen Aktionen "angewidert".
- Christina Aguilera fühlt sich wohler in ihrem Körper als je zuvor, aber der Weg dahin war alles andere als einfach. "Während der Promo für Stripped 2001, hatte ich es satt ein dürres weißes Mädchen zu sein", sagt sie über ihr früheres Gewicht.
- Wow, things are moving fast here! We were already suprised after their "dramatic make up" last week, and now they're living togheter again! Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are totally back on. “They are living together and have reconciled," an insider told. But although Rob has forgiven KStew, sources reveals that he "is extra-sensitive right now. He's insecure.”Well, we kind of understand that after such a whirlwind scandal! Take good care of your (very forgiving) loverboy now, Kristen! Don't mess up again! (perezhilton)
- Anne Hathaway is officially Mrs. Shulman! Yes, the 29-year-old actress swapped vows with her love Adam Shulman yesterday in in Big Sur, California. The longtime couple have been togheter four years now, and they got engaged in November last year. Anne told USA Today last year that she had found the love of her life: "I'm so delighted by Adam. He's all the things you want a partner to be. I so find joy in his presence." Congratulation to the newlyweds! (perezhilton)
- Russell Brand and Katy Perry has kept most of the reasons why they split last December a secret, but now Russell opens up about why they went seperate ways: "“If you sort of sense there’s an incompatibility, then in any relationship, regardless of the status of the individual, it kind of is best to go separate ways", he said. "I think if you’re someone who’s really into mountain biking, it would be good to go out with someone who’s into mountain biking, and if you’re really into Eastern mysticism, go out with someone else who’s into Eastern mysticism", adding that opposites to attract, but that that doesn't mean it will be sustainable in the longer term. Aw, we still miss Katy and Russell together. A little part of us will always hope that they one day will find a way back to each other... (60minutes)
- "Will you marry me?" said Ashton Kutcher to Mila Kunis. "Ehm no thanks!" she replied! Ouch, burn! A friend of Mila has spilled the beans that Ashon in fact did try to get down on one knee before Mila but that she kindly asked him to step up as she is not ready to tie that knot with him. The scourse explains: “Mila loves Ashton… but Ashton has some issues, and he needs to work toward cleaning them up before she can even think about marriage.” According to Mila's friend, the actress won't say yes to her college sweetheart Ashton until he has cleaned out his closet and legally divorced ex-y Demi Moore. That is a fair pont to make right! Meanwhile Ashton is taking it easy realizing everything has it's time and place - one marriage at a time! (national enquirer)
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