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- Nicht alle Ex-Verliebten sind bittere Feinde. Wir sind glücklich zu hören, dass Ben Affleck immer noch eine freundliche Beziehung zu seiner früheren Verlobten, Superstar Jennifer Lopez unterhält!
- Es gibt das Gerücht, dass Posh Spice, Victoria Beckham, wieder mal ein kleines Baby erwartet! Angeblich "redet sie über komische Essensangewohnheiten und sie trinkt kein bisschen Alkohol, sogar nicht auf der Party nach ihrer Performance bei den Olympischen Spielen diesen Sommer." enthüllt eine Quelle.
- Liebe Bieber-Fans, jetzt habt ihr die Change echte Justin Bieber Sachen zu bekommen! Der Laptop und die Kamera des Stars wurden gestohlen und The Biebs sagt, dass ihn das richtig nervt, weil er "einen Haufen persönliche Sachen auf dem Computer und der Kamera hatte".
- They're back on - definitely! Many different sources confirm the same thing: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are back together. The couple, who broke up this summer, have spent some time apart - but now they're ready to roll again. Robert has decided not to sell his L.A home and Kristen are apparently moving in again in the near future. Later this month they're scheduled to make their first red carpet appearance ever since the split. Kristen wants everyone to know they're a couple again but we really cannot decide if this is the right or wrong thing for Rob to do!
- One Directions is pretty much (or well, they are) the biggest boyband right now, but it looks like it might have gone to their heads. "We watched that film of The Beatles when they first touched down in America and we saw a real likeness with our personalities", Harry Styles recently stated. His bandmate Niall Horan filled in: "They loved having a laugh like us". Well, we're not really sure what we think about this, are they the new Beatles or not? (nme)
- One Direction sind derzeit so ziemlich (oder, na ja, sie sind) die größte Boyband der Welt, aber es sieht so aus wäre ihnen das schon zu Kopf gestiegen.
- Sie sind wieder zusammen - definitiv! Viele verschiedene Quellen bestätigen das Gleiche: Kristen Stewart und Robert Pattinson sind wieder zusammen.
- Katie Holmes has been single for a while now, and she's planning on keeping it that way - even though she wants to get married one day again! "Katie believes in love and hopes to get remarried one day but has absolutely no plans on dating anytime soon", a close source to Katie reveals. "Katie is devoted to being the best parent possible to Suri and continuing a smooth transition into their new lives together. Katie knows bringing a new man into the situation would only cause more stress for Suri", the source continued. Do you think she'll meet another famous man or not? We think she'll keep a very low profile either way. (radaronline)
- We didn't really see this coming before, but it makes total sense to us. Yesterday it was confirmed that Jack Osbourne and TV personality Lisa Stelly got married in Hawaii's Kona-Kohala coast on Sunday. The ceremony was small and intimate with only 48 guests, including their newborn baby daughter Pearl and Jack's famous family. Congrats to the newlyweds, we hope you'll live a long and happy life together! (gossipcop)
- Lady Gaga and her parents Joseph and Cynthia Germanotta opened a restaurant on Upper West Side in New York called Joanne Trattoria last February. But the restaurant is not the success they thought it would be and now they're hit with major health violations. The inspection "found problems such as inadequate personal cleanliness, a failure to protect food from a potential source of contamination, a worker not using the proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food, soiled wiping cloths and insufficient washing of a food contact surface". Hm, sounds gross.... (gossipcop)
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