Chasing your Dream
As I’ve mentioned before I’m currently studying Fashion and Design and it’s one of my favourite things ever, but before I found what I really wanted to do in my life I tried just about everything else - I went from Film and Photography to Astrophysics to Cooking before I settled. I know just how hard it was when I left school at 16 and was faced with the big question “So what are you going to do with your life?” but after pulling through I have some tips so that you can find and chase your dreams too!
What are you good at?
Look at your exam results, your awards and your successes. What are they? What could you do with them?What do you love?
Are you good with makeup? Do you have a passion for sport or a musical instrument? Are you outgoing and talkative?What do you find yourself looking at on the internet?
This is a good indication of what your real interests are. Do you read news articles? Fashion blogs? Scientific journals? Are you a gamer?What were your childhood goals?
What did you always dream of being when you were younger? Would your younger self be proud of you for making this decision now?Have you spoken to a professional?
A careers advisor or counsellor can point you in the right direction if you are stuck!What is your dream job?
Do you aspire to make millions? Have your own buisness? Find the cure for cancer?Are you willing to work harder than ever before for this dream?
If your answer is no, it's not right for you.Remember - there is a job out there that will be perfect for everyone and it will make you happier than ever, finding it is the hardest part but you will get there!
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