The Chanel Tribute store has finally returned to starplaza with a brand new holiday collection for the coming months. In a typical Chanel fashion, the clothes are all very elegant and stylish. To get some inspiration on how to wear the collection lets check out some stardoll members who are currently rocking the look!
Many Stardoll users are confused as to what Lottery Dresses are, why they're so rare, how they were attained and what in the world do they look like.
I hope this post clears up any confusion anybody had about them. So to start, here's what the highly sought-after gowns look like:x
Above are the lottery dresses. The only lottery dresses. So don't be fooled if someone tries to pass off a regular dress as a lottery dress. There were only 20 of them.
Hello readers! Today I bring you a little recipe for a very yummy treat: Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Pie. Granted, it isn't the healthiest thing in the world, but treating yourself once in a while isn't bad? Here's what the finished product will look like:
Hello readers, Haley here with a little informational post on a few fashion items. I've found real-life versions of some beautiful clothing items we have the privilege to own here on Stardoll.
I figured it'd be nice for you all to see comparison shots of Stardoll-version items and celebrities wearing the real versions. Enjoy, and good luck for those of you going on the hunt to find these!
Всем привет! На днях я гуляла по куклам русских девушек, и выбрала самые интересные наряды, в которых использованы вещи из нового магазина CHANEL!
Привет, читатели старблога!
Вот и приходит новый год. Праздник - лучший способ показать себя- эксцентричную, модную, яркую. Вот наряды для сс и не-сс.
Привет, читатели старблога!
Я выкладываю уже третью неделю, так как вторая вышла с опозданием на неделю. Наслаждаётесь новыми нарядами для суперстар и не-суперстар!
The current fashion trend on Stardoll is no doubt, the chic leopard print. In almost every store is Starplaza you can find leopard print clothing. Leopard print isn't only big with clothes!
- Tortoiseshell, a very popular and long-standing item, has been used for many things in the past. It's been used in numerous hair accessories, to back hairbrushes, in sunglasses, tea sets, jewelry boxes and most importantly, jewelry.
Primarily it's a brown, black and often an orange pattern, nowadays made from plastic or plastic-like materials. So, you're probably wondering if it's tortoiseshell then why is it made of plastic?
The design tortoiseshell came from when people would use the shell of an actual hawksbill tortoise. When the population of this specific tortoise caused for alarm, people backed off and began using plastic to achieve the desired look of the actual tortoise's shell.
Сменяются года, а с ними и века, и эры, время пролетает незаметно и уходит, увы, безвозвратно, а нам остаются только воспоминания. Далеко позади остался XX век, но The Russian Fame Awards готовит вечеринку "Машина Времени" для тех, кто хочет получить яркие эмоции и окунуться в атмосферу праздника.
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