Lady Gaga Praises A Fan Made "Hair" Music Video!
Lady Gaga is an outspoken advocate for gay rights and the It Gets Better Project, and yesterday she flooded her Twitter and Facebook with praises for a homemade “Hair” music video posted on YouTube! The video is simply created for saying no matter gay or not - we were born this way! She said “This is so AMAZING #HairMusicVideo you guys did such an amazing job for #ItGetsBetter. The Choreo! I died!” Well these guys managed to really make her proud and at the same time do a good deed! Can you imagine getting credit from Gaga herself? We are impressed! Check it out!
STARDOLL IS PROUD TO SUPPORT ANTI-BULLYING! Check out Stardoll's 2010's BeatBullying contest to see more inspiring thoughts and ideas on how to fight bullying!
AND be sure to look for more anti-bullying campaigns on the site this year. We know that together we can keep making Stardoll a fun friendly place for everyone!
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