DIY: Head-to-Toe Winter Beauty Quick Fixes
During the coldest months, it’s no winter wonderland for our hair, nails and skin. If you’re broke from living large during the holidays, try these DIY remedies that combat harsh winter weather—from head to toe. All these quick fixes can be done in a day, ideal for making the most of all that post-holiday downtime. Why DIY? Beauty products sky rocket in price when the ingredients are all-natural and the balms, salves, or creams are chemical free. Making your own beauty products is better for your body—and your bank account!
Dry, Brittle Hair
Photo: Getty Images
No money for deep conditioning treatments? No problem. You can seal split ends, replenish moisture, and add a healthy shine using common kitchen ingredients, like an avocado and olive oil mask.
Time: 1-3 hours
You’ll need:
1 avocado
Half a cup (more for longer hair) of olive oil
A shower cap
1) Mash 1 avocado, with half a cup of heated olive oil. You’ll want the oil to be hot enough to penetrate your hair but not so hot that it burns your scalp. You can add any of your favorite essential oils (like lavender or peppermint) for a sweet scent and orange oil for extra shine.
2) Pull your hair back into a high ponytail, and start applying your mask at the roots, slowly massaging up to the base of your scalp. Don’t forget to coat the top of your head, and along your hairline as well.
3) Slip on your shower cap so that the heat, and moisture stays put. Wait between one, and three hours before rinsing out the mask. (hint: Water and oil mix as well as Lindsay Lohan and law enforcement. When rinsing, apply shampoo before water)
Irritated, Flaky Skin
Photo: Getty Images
If your lips are peeling, check out our tasty lip scrub (just try not to eat it all). If your face is suffering from flakiness, try a soothing spice and honey mask, which calms chapped cheeks and will leave your skin soft and flake-free with nutmeg and honey to reduce redness, acne, and signs of irritation, and cinnamon to buff the flakes away.
Time: 30 minutes
You’ll need:
1 teaspoon of nutmeg
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 tablespoons of honey
1) Mix the three ingredients in a small bowl until it reaches the consistency of toothpaste. Apply the mask to your face, avoiding the sensitive areas around your eyes and mouth. Let the mask sit for up to half an hour, then rinse with warm water. (hint: If your skin is sensitive, test the mask out on a small patch of skin before you apply it to your entire face!)
Rough, Scaly Skin
Photo: Getty Images
Do your knees and elbows feel like body armor? Make a salt or sugar body polish.
Time: 10 minutes to mix + your standard bubble bath or shower time
You’ll need:
1/2 cup of brown sugar or salt
1 tablespoon of honey a few drops of almond or olive oil
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1) Add the oil to your sugar or salt until it is damp but not completely saturated, then stir in your honey and lemon juice until your have a thick paste.
2) Massage your body polish in a circular motion to rough elbows, knees, or legs during your shower or bath. (hint: Don’t forget to moisturize afterwards or you’ll be right back to where you started: with rough, dino-scales.)
Cracking Cuticles
Photo: Getty Images
Crackling, peeling cuticles are a common winter weather problem, but quickly fixed with a thick lotion and a pair of cotton gloves. We love Nivea Hand Cream, $6, and Earth Therapeutics Cotton Gloves, $8.
Rub the hand cream deep into your cuticles and slide on the gloves for at least an hour. After the lotion is completely absorbed, push back your cuticles and apply some Vitamin E.
Rock Hard Heels
Photo: Getty Images
If the heels and soles of your feet are basically bullet proof, try slathering on a few layers of your favorite lotion after a hot bath, leaving a thick layer of cream that hasn’t been absorbed. Next, slip on a pair of cotton socks. In about an hour, all the moisturizer will be absorbed, leaving your skin much softer than before. (hint: For even more intense moisture, buff your feet in the shower first and leave your socks on overnight. You’ll be amazed at the results.)
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