

My Allergy Story

80 месяцев назад

Hello, Dollies!

After weeks of inactivity, I'm so happy to finally be back!

For those wondering, the reason for my inactivity lately has mostly been because of some recent allergy issues. The past few weeks have actually been extra rough for me, so I figure it might be time to actually say what's really been going on with me, instead of just saying, "I've been sick."

The truth is, I've actually been going through a lot of allergy issues for about the past 2 years. It's a reason why I'm on Stardoll a lot because it's a way to escape the stress of my own life.

When I say allergy issues, I basically mean that I've been suffering from severe allergic reactions. It's not unusual for me to have a few allergic reactions every now and then since I do have a lot of allergies, but sometimes the number of reactions increase during summertime, when I've developed a new allergy, etc. I have been sick, but not with a cold, with allergies. I just recently learned that I'm allergic to soy.

Many of you will probably say my list of allergies is "a bit crazy," but it's normal for me. My list of allergies actually include: sulfur/sulphur/sulfites/sulfate, peanuts, tree nuts, cinnamon, eggs, cats, dairy/milk/lactose, soy, fish, shellfish, sea salt, beef, chicken, chocolate, pepper, garlic, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce/cabbage, peas, bananas, apples, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, pineapple, watermelon, perfume/strong smells, mosquito bites, certain trees & grasses and a few more. The majority of my allergies are also inhalant allergies for me.

Having allergies? It's a really scary challenge and I've had allergies since before I can remember. Not just the reaction is hard, but also the feeling of being left out. It's hard to see others eating/doing something that you can't do, even if you love it. Sometimes it even feels like no one, not even my family, can understand what I'm going through.

I've struggled a lot with allergies and I'm still struggling. It's so hard not to just "give up," and I know many of you can probably relate. There's no point in letting something like allergies control your life though. It only controls you if you let it control you. Think of it as a positive thing. Maybe you'll help many other kids that are experiencing similar things later on, or maybe allergies will make you a stronger person.

If nothing else, I definitely know that my worst experiences with allergies are what has made me who I am. Allergies are even the reason I became a StarBlogger. It's a lot of stress and pressure on me to deal with allergies, school, and many of my other responsibilities. Writing helps me to relax, stay calm and keeps me from stressing, so it's honestly a reason why I started blogging on here.

I can recall so many weeks when I was so sick that I just stayed on Stardoll for hours and hours decorating my Suite over and over or blogging for hours. Stardoll's helped me get through a lot, so I guess this is basically a special thank you to Stardoll and staff.

To all of those with allergies, asthma, cancer, anxiety, or any other medical issue, you're all amazing and brave heroes. I'm still young and I've experienced a lot before, yet I can't even imagine what some of you, young and old, have been through. We all face challenges in life and I really admire all of you who have made it through so many things.

Those who are wondering, all of my blog series, including Club Spotlight are continuing. To the members of my club, Crazygem, the contests, parties, etc. are also continuing soon. As I mentioned, I'm still dealing with allergic reactions at the moment, so it will be a few more weeks until I get 100% back to normal, but don't worry! I haven't forgotten about any of my readers, blog series, friends, or promises!

*Just want to apologize for such a long post! This blog post is the most personal thing I've written before, so I really hope it can touch and inspire some of you as much as it inspired me.

I wish all of you a wonderful weekend full of bright & happy rainbows!

Until next time,
- Cat

Опубликовано в:stardollnewsClubsuser contentStarblogenhealthblogsreal lifeallcatsmeow2wellnessallergies

