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- A fellow Starblogger Clarapop recently wrote a post about how to be yourself, she included lots of good information on how to do this but for all of these you need self confidence so to help all of you who're trying to be themselves but need the confidence to do this, I'm going to dedicate this blog post to trying to help you all.
- When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? Did you know that makeup brushes accumulate bacteria over time, if they are not cleaned regularly?
- Astăzi, discutând împreună cu colegele mele, am realizat că suntem toate îngrijorate de numărul mare de articole create în StarDesign care conțin texte vulgare sau înfățișează țigări. Este într-adevăr atât de cool ca o păpușă să fie îmbrăcată într-un tricou pe care este scrisă o înjurătură sau este desenată o imagine de natură sexuală? Noi nu credem că este cool deloc!
Probably the most talked about couple in Bollywood - Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. Both super successful actors and well established in the film business.
Cupid's arrow may well have hit it's target as the two are getting married. Question is, where will it take place? When? And will it be a traditional Hindu or Muslim wedding?
Azi vă prezint un album superb, al lui happyangi!
Şi-a făcut albumul ca o revistă , numită " BOHO magazine" - 27 de pagini pline de modă, creativitate şi multe altele! Sunt sigură că lucrat mult la el, dar s-a meritat, a devenit un album fabulos!
The perfect treat for a cosy autumn evening by the fire! ♥ Courtesy of World Peace Cafe - now you can make your own delicious treats to share with friends! ♥
I know that there is an entire page that Stardoll made including most of this information but many people still keep asking me so here is some information about Miss Stardoll World!
Miss Stardoll World is a competition that has been held the past 2 years and is being held again this year to basically try and find the best members on Stardoll which starts around the end of Summer (This year it was the 29th of July) and ends sometime around the end of Autumn (The end date for this year hasn't been announced yet).
Articol în prim pl…: "Ce înseamnă Stardoll pentru tine?"isabela4033
Articol în prim pl…: "Bunele maniere"ClaraSun
Articol în prim pl…: "Să fim prieteni :)!"CIRESICA200929
Articol în prim pl…: "Cum să te protejezi pe internet?"