Hey Stardollies of the world! Did you get your Hot Buys items this past week?
Click through to find out about the collection's inspiration!
The third installment of Hot Buys Weekly is out! Click through for the collection inspiration and tell us what you think!
Yesterday Starplaza saw the second edition of the new Hot Buys Weekly-- have you checked it out?!
Hello everyone! Stardoll is all about fashion and friends right? Well I have decided that I would like my future posts in the StarBlog to be user this I mean that I am going to start writing fashion advice blogs!
In these posts I will give fashion advice on hair, make up and fashion as well as a few tips. In order to do this, I need a few people to submit their questions and advice they want.
They are finally here, the Hot Buys Weekly!
Sabemos que vocês adoram Hot Buys e por isso vamos dar-vos a oportunidade de adquirir muitos mais, todas as quartas-feiras!
Não te esqueças de ir ao Starplaza na próxima quarta-feira, dia 6 de fevereiro, para veres a nossa primeira coleção de Hot Buys Semanais - 5 artigos lindos de moda, beleza e decoração, cada um deles disponível para venda apenas por uma semana! Não percas nenhuma semana - habilita-te a ganhar prémios fabulosos nas futuras competições de Hot Buys.Qual será o tema da primeira coleção? Dá-nos o teu palpite na caixa de comentários!
- I have a gem with me, today! For you keen real-brand collectors, you may want to start looking for this one in the starbazaars.
A heart bag inspired by Minna Parikka.
- Lots of people think that modelling is a very glamorous job, travelling all over the world and meeting lots of famous people, but it's actually a lot of hard work! You need to be ready to work very hard, listen to lots of different people and love having your picture taken!
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"