Tenho pessoalmente o cabelo pintado de loiro claro e o típico problema do "cabelo amarelo". Quando saimos do cabeleireiro fica tudo muito bonito... durante um mês. Depois o amarelo e o laranja decidem atacar, e, dessa forma, o loiro fica de uma cor esquisita.
The sun has risen, the sun goes down. Time for us to go to bed. And fall asleep, drift away far away. Your now in the state of dreaming.
Everyday, we dream for about 30 minutes. Sometimes we remember them, sometimes not.
We can dream of anything we want, there are no limits or rules. But when dark clouds fill up the dreamy sky, feet are heard on the floor, someone is banging at the dreamy door.. Beware, of the nightmares that scream through the telephone.
So a few days ago Stardoll revealed everyone who have made it to the second round of Miss Stardoll World. Now it time for you all to vote who you want to represent your country. Make sure the person you vote for is a great example to other young girls and guys out there.
You need something new for your doll?
Here are some eyeshadowing which will give more depth to your dolls eyes.
- So, from what I have heard, a lot of you have just gotten back from holidaying and are at school now. Although, myself being Australian, I have been at school the whole time. But, the other day I was browsing on youtube when I came accross this video, "Back To School / Everday Outfit Ideas", by one of my favourite youtubers, "bubzbeauty". I thought I would share this video with everyone, not only does it give some great ideas for outfits for school, but everyday as well.
- What would it be like, if we all had our own personal genie in a lamp? We would all wish for what we desire. Those magical 3 wishes could give you everything you need and/or want. Sadly, Genie's don't exist, but here are some few tips on being your OWN genie!
Hoje vim falar sobre um assunto que se aplica a toda a gente... a música! Podemos ouvir estilos diferentes, ouvir diferentes rádios, ter sentimentos diferentes de outra pessoa quando a ouvimos, mas todos nós (acho) gostam de música!
Today I was looking around Stardoll page's and saw so many creative medolls. But I chose 3 unique and amazing dolls that made my eyes twinkle - And they are on this post, right here. I didn't randomly choose, I knew these three had talent for fashion and creativity. Well done to you three. ;)
Como já todas sabem o Outono já chegou! Confesso que já tinha saudades desta estação mas ao mesmo tempo não queria que o Verão acabasse... E ele passou tão rápido, não foi?
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"