Outubro 2012
Já alguma vez fizeram esta pergunta? Eu já, e por isso decidi pesquisar um pouco mais sobre o assunto. Muitos filósofos já tentaram procurar o termo, a definição correta para explicar isto, mas é um pouco difícil. A felicidade (segundo a minha opinião) é aquilo que sentimos quando no nosso interior estamos livres do stress, de problemas, de tristezas e preocupações. Podemos não saber que estamos felizes, mas no fundo sentimo-nos bem. Isso é a felicidade.
- Spotted! Sarah Jessica Parker and her nanny taking Jess' daughters Tabitha and Marion to school in New York City, USA. Hey girl, don't you read the news at all? We thought no one was supposed to be outside anymore since Frankenstorm is coming! Hope she and the kids got home safe later the same day and that they don't try to be these kinds of daredevils tomorrow!
- A inveja… Todos nós a sentimos, com mais ou menos intensidade, e sempre fará parte dos nossos sentimentos. Claro que existem diversas ideias e especulações em seu redor. Umas pessoas acham que é algo completamente absurdo e nada saudável, outras, pensam que seja uma coisa normal, que devemos aceitar...
- Pretty boy Adam Levine arrived to the 'Late Show with David Letterman' studio in New York looking like a true rock star! We go crazy for this guy. Can we just kidnap him and take him home?! .....Please?
- Lots of people dream of becoming fashion designers - I love sketching new outfits and collecting clippings from my favourite magazines - but to be a really successful designer takes a lot of dedication and years of hard work.
- Do you rember a couple of years ago when Christina Aguilera shed her "dirrty"-style to cultivating a more ladylike, mature and feminine style? Marilyn Monroe-ish? That lady is gone. The singer attended the Samsung Galaxy Note II launch in Beverly Hills last night, showing off her new, red dip-dye and a leopard print trucker hat. What do you think of her new fiery hue? Hot or not?
- Did you know that Stardoll got nominated for the Bafta Kids Website Awards? Well, Stardoll is such a great site for kids and thats why we got into the competition!. Great job, Stardoll! We are all proud of this website.
- Vanessa Hudgens attended at the Samsung Galaxy Note II launch looking like a sequined party chick! She looked stunning and gleaming styled while rocking a shiny black sequin dress combined with black pumps and hair to match. She sparkles!
Hope you enjoy it and happy Halloween for Wednesday and here is a photo of my doll in one of my Otherworldly rooms.
Can you believe it's already Halloween time? My parents give me the safety talk every year since I began going door to door with my friends instead of them.
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"