Julho 2012
- We feel like we have said this one too many times before, but the Backstreet Boys are back! Sure, they have released comeback studio albums three times already (Never Gone 2005, Unbreakable 2007 and This Is Us 2009) BUT something is different this time around - fifth original member Kevin Richardson, who choose to leave the group in 2006, is back in the line-up! So get in line ladies, for these five boys will melt your heart like it was 1995!Watch their announcement and hear them speak about the new album in this vid from Good Morning America!
Hoje vim dar-vos uma sugestão de make rosa, espero que gostem!
Todas as raparigas gostam de se sentir bonitas, no entanto há sempre aquele aspeto do nosso corpo que gostaríamos de mudar… Existem raparigas baixas ou menos magras que por vezes têm dificuldade em encontrar roupas que as favoreçam.
- There are hot guys and then there are super, duper hot guys. We've checked out Justin Bieber and the boyband One Direction a little extra this week, and we really love them both. But as we always say, there's a winner in everything, and so in this battle: the hottie battle! Who do you guys like better, Justin Bieber or One Direction? Beliebers and Directioners out there- vote, tell us, support your favorite and most important: decide!
- Hey Girls for this look I decided to go all out and try something creative. I thought of doing a bumble bee inspired look. This look is both creative and glamorus and will look amazing on your medoll.
O que vos vou falar hoje é sobre "Amizade". Agora que estamos de férias já não vemos os nosso amigos tão frequentemente (pelo menos eu), mas continuo a ver alguns assim por acaso, mas sobre o que eu vos vim falar não é das férias.
Decidi escrever um artigo sobre algo que penso ser uma preocupação constante dos adolescentes. O que será mais importante, o nosso exterior ou interior?
- Crafting unique wardrobe pieces is essential. Through layering different pieces to create one gown, you're sure to have a one of a kind piece!
* The August 2nd Hot Buy item is delayed! We know this is an issue and will release it as soon as we can, likely after the weekend.
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"