Novembro 2011
Mais uma vez um post sobre moda..
- Olá, neste artigo irei falar de uma membro super original!
- Hoje venho mostrar-vos o meu "review" à nova funcionalidade do site, a Stardesign Jewelry!
- Well now you can! At least the wax version. Yesterday Selena Gomez received her own wax figure at the Madame Tussauds in New York. Selena is now immortalized in a golden mini-dress covered in sequins! The fabulous looking doll was placed next to her boyfriend Justin Bieber's wax figure - we'll see how long that lasts... (celebuzz)
- Chamo-me Maria, tenho 14 anos e o meu sonho é ser escritora. Fiquei bastante contente ao saber que fui uma das vencedoras do concurso "Quem quer ser starblogger?".
Desculpem a minha ausência nestes últimos meses, mas a escola não me tem permitido vir muito tempo à net por causa dos testes e de ter que estudar...
Have you been seeing some very unique hairstyles around stardoll recently and wondering where they came from?
Well this is all thanks to stardolls new jewelry design feature! With a bit of time, effort and creativity you can use feathers to make your own unique hairstyles. To show you what I mean, here are some of my favourites that I've seen so far.
Diorlight moonlight_22
- Patrick Dempsey looking comfy and cute. Are you guys following Grey's Anatomy this season? It's been cupidinously intense! No wonder Patrick chooses to look lazy on his days off!
- We all dream of having perfect skin, preferably like Miranda Kerr. Miranda has a great complexion, it's both creamy and glows with no blemishes or flaws. And with a good skin care regime and a few simple tricks, you can get the same results!
- Always wash your face before you go to sleep. Use a mild soap to help prevent a dry complexion.
- Make sure to use a light weight moisturizer right after washing your face. Just use a bit and your skin won't look too shiny.
- Stay away from oil based makeup, this can make your skin look oily.- Always, always wear sunscreen!
- When applying your makeup, start with a matte primer which helps reduce shine.
- Choose a foundation that works for your skin type. There are many different types of foundation: liquid, cream, mousse, compact, so it's important to test a few.
- After applying foundation, brush a loose powder on your face to help seal the look and keep your face shine free.
Try these tricks and you'll have the perfect matte complexion just like Miranda!
- It's been years since the TV show, Friends, has ended but it's still considered one of the most popular shows ever! The characters, plots, and jokes will never be forgotten! But what about the actors? Do you remember them?
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"