As Christmas is creeping round the corner, the lights are on, the tree is decorated and the gifts are wrapped (well....almost)! Those of you who are last minute shoppers can get in the festive mood with these top holiday themed films to get you into the spirit of Christmas!
Yes! It's nearly that event of the year again- Christmas! The happiest day on earth. Have you been good? I hope so, because you do want the jolly good old Santa to go down your chimney.
But what is your Stardoll beauty parlour going to look like for Christmas? Got to think! Got to think..
Heres an idea for what to look like for Christmas.
I hope you enjoy the tutorial.
Święta mają swoją magię, którą możemy odczuć ten jeden raz w roku siedząc z rodziną przy wigilijnym stole czy wspólnie z rodzeństwem ubierając choinkę. Zastanawialiście się kiedyś, jak Gwiazdka wygląda w innych krajach?
- Candy Canes and Decorating Trees: Trees were decorated with treats and food as the Germanic people believed this would feed the wood spirits in the Pine trees, they were also decorated to look nice and keep the wood spirits happy and entertained during Yule.
- Many of the popular "Christmas" traditions aren't Christian at all and you may be surprised to find out that most of the things you may do are actually Yuletide traditions!
- December has begun and the main thing everyone is talking about is Christmas, but I've decided to take another take on festivals at this time of the year as it is a very important date for people that celebrate Yule (Which is similar to the Winter Solstice). When I was younger I used to see Christmas decorations saying things such as "Happy Yuletide!" and here the word "yule" in old Christmas songs so I just assumed it was another way of saying Christmas. To some extent Yule is just another word for Christmas and in lots of languages (Which some of you probably speak and know about) Yule is a more regularly used word than Christmas but it has much more meaning than that which most people don't know about.
It's that time of the year again :-) Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is just around corner, Have you thought about what you would like to receive for Christmas?
- Christmas. It`s less than a month away. I am going to start a seiries of Christmas posts but I need your help. I want to know your fondest Christmas memories. Maybe it`s helping bake the Christmas cake for the first time or maybe it`s getting the lead role in your schools nativity play. Whatever it is post in comments and you may get featrured in the StarBlog.
- Apologies for not being very active on my account recently- School studies! But today marks my first Christmas holiday post! So, here are my twelve tips about creating the perfect Christmas atmosphere including Christmas Cookies and Cakes, Christmas decor, Christmas beverages, Christmas Scents and Christmas outfits:
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