The School Girl Styled Outfits -- this collection is the basis of a savvy back to School wardrobe . The long and short of it -- is mostly short -- with wrap skirts and shrunken jackets, plaids and solids -- and those shorts in varieties both tailored and loose – think paperbag waist pants. It all comes in a rich fall assortment of chocolate tones, blacks, grays, reds and the crispest of chalk dust whites.
ELLE fashion editors pick their personal fall favorites
Stardoll Admin
- Its definitely all about power this year for Vanity Fair's annual best dressed people list! America's First Lady Michelle Obama is right at the top this year, See the full list here.
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- Ostatniej nocy przypadkowo natknęliśmy się na gwiazdkę Menę Suvari w Katsuya w Hollywood, która przebywała tam wraz ze swoim niesamowicie przystojnym przyszłym mężem, producentem muzycznym, Simonem Sestito ...
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