

Funny Wednesday!

175 miesięcy temu

Hi everyone. First of all I wanna thank you all so much for the response I had on Funny Wednesday. There were so many entries, and it was very (and I mean VERY) hard to choose the winners, but I've chosen 10 really nice jobs. Let me remind you that only the top 3 get prizes in stardollars, the 1st gets 100sd, the 2nd gest 50sd and the 3rd get 25sd. So, here they are:

Congratulations girls!

Now, before I announce the theme for this wednesday I wanna explain to you how does the Funny Wednesdays work, cause some of the girls didn't get it. Last week I published the article on thursday so I think that confused you a bit, but for now on, it will be only wednesday. You must wear the theme outfit ONLY during wednesday, you can change it on thursday if you want. And you must sign up for the prize HERE, not on my gb, not on my album. Whoever sign up on my page will be disclassified.

Ok, now for the theme of today. As you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and a lot of women are victim of this terrible illness. In order to show our supporting, we must all dress up in nothing but PINK! We all know it won't be so hard, since we all love this colour!! So, this wednesday THINK PINK! And WEAR PINK!


