Wrzesień 2011
- Get ready Beliebers for the Best. Christmas. Present. Ever! Justin Bieber is going to make a Christmas album with all original songs! Isn't that awesome?Justin's manager tweeted, "This Chrismas album is amazing. Might be the best album yet. All originals...soon 2 be classics. every1 i play it 4 is blown away. #excited." And it gets even better! Justin revealed that the proceeds from the album will be donated to charity! That's so sweet! We love him!
We're definitely asking Santa for Justin's album! (dailyfill)
- Evan Rachel Wood is in Venice promoting her new film, The Ides of March, which also stars George Clooney and Ryan Gosling! Evan has a really unique style and favors tailored menswear over flowey dresses and we kind of love that about her! Evan decided to compromise with a feminine take on menswear by wearing an Alessandra Rich shantung shirt dress. It's from the Fall 2011 collection and is definitely interesting...
We love the top with the lacy detail and thin belt, but we're not huge fans of the skirt- it's very Little House on the Prairie! Evan paired the dress with Giuseppe Zanotti heels, they aren't terrible but they aren't great either. And we wish she would've worn her hair down, just to add a bit more contrast the an otherwise stark look. What do you guys think of Evan's look? Love it or hate it?
- Na pewno każdy z Was umie zrobić jakiś cień na ścianie ;) Ja osobiście umiem tylko cień królika i latającego ptaka, ale natknęłam się na stronę, na której pokazane jest, jak ułożyć dłonie, aby cień przedstawiał przeróżne zwierzęta. W tym artykule pokażę Wam parę przykładów. Dzięki temu będziecie mogli zaimponować swoim znajomym ;>
- This week some of our fave celebs displayed awesome street style! We loved Sarah Jessica Parker's nude and neon combo and Malin Akerman's sober style with hot sunnies! Click on the photos to check out this week's top ten celebs with the best street style! Who do you think had the best style?
- Dziś nie o zamkach, a o wspaniałych budowlach we Francji.
Co zazwyczaj bierzecie ze sobą do jedzenia do szkoły? Kanapki, owoce i jakiś napój? A co byście powiedzieli, gdyby w waszym śniadaniowym pudełku znalazło się któreś z takich dzieł? Aż szkoda zjeść, prawda?
- Have you been reading Mortal Kiss 2: Fool's Silver closely? Do you think you know what's going to happen next?
Remember last year, where we asked our Mortal Kiss fans to pick between Team Lucas and Team Finn to see who was going to prom? Well, this year we're asking you to choose again, but this time: who is going to die?
Foretell the future in the comments of this post. We'll keep up with your predictions and gather the best of the best for a future post.
Head over to the Mortal Kiss zzztore to see the style that tells the story. And don't forget to keep reading Mortal Kiss 2: Fool's Silver...because IT'S DA ZOMB!
- Some celebs like Matthew McConaughey and Madonna are known for their amazing bodies! But they work hard for it! In their free time they're running, stretching, lifting weights, and doing yoga! These celebs are so hardcore about being fit that it makes us a bit jealous! Check out the top best bods in Hollywood! Click on the pics to see who has the most muscles!
- Despite the fact that Justin Timberlake wants to focus only on acting, he's been dabbling a bit in music. Justin has been working with the band FreeSol and last night he played a surprise performance in NYC with them! The place was packed as fans crowded in to see the first performance JT has done in MONTHS! Click on the photos to see more of Justin preforming with FreeSol. We really wish he'd just return to music already!
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