Der komische Schnee in Winter Mill lässt Stardoll im Ungewissen!

176 måneder siden

Letzte Woche berichtete Faye in ihrem Blog über den Storm, der die ganze Stadt mit Schnee bedeckt hatte!

Wir fragten die Leser von Mortal Kiss:

Findest du den plötzlichen Schneefall unheimlich?
Die Stardollers haben geantwortet...

i think the snow is creepy we had sum up at my house this yr in april and i got 4 days off school because of it never ever happened b4.

yeah dis snow is freaky!!! wat u get cut off wat will you do then????not to mention the frezzing tempratures!!!!don't forget about the murder people could be in danger if the town gets cut off while theres a maniac on the loose!!!!!!!

Freak snowfalls aren't that freaky to me...But avalanches are! Also, I love the story so far and I can't wait to read more!

Maybe their scientists are playing with the weather and nature again. And something went wrong. Maybe a cover up or haarp.

Ja, der Schnee hat definitiv etwas Unheimliches! Was wird wohl als Nächstes passieren?
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