- Ook de winnaars van de derde Adventwedstrijd zijn bekend. Voor deze wedstrijd heb ik jullie gevraagd je mooiste, grappigste of bijzonderste kerstherinnering te beschrijven. Hier kun je de leukste of ontroerendste anekdotes lezen!
- De uitslag van de tweede Adventwedstrijd is bekend. De opdracht was een kerstsuite te creëren. Nou, daar wisten jullie wel raad mee! Ik heb heel mooie, maar vooral gezellige inzendingen gekregen. Maar helaas kon ik maar tien winnaars kiezen. Dit zijn ze...
- Wil je weten wie de Magische Toverkrachten wedstrijd heeft gewonnen? Lees dan verder!
- It all started when I entered a competition to meet Justin Bieber and see him live in concert in Nottingham, I never thought that I would be the winner but as it turned out my dreams came true. I took my little sister to meet him because it was her 10th birthday, the smile on her face brought tears to my eyes. It was the best day of my life!
Stardoll Admin
- Stardoll is proud to present the winning designers of the Design Contest who were all rewarded with 400 Stardollars each; a month of Superstar and also all the winning designs! Well done Stardoll designers!
marikulja1 (Latvia), LilSunShine91 (Latvia), Weronna21 (Slovak Republic), zelatins (Lithuania), Martitta12345 (Poland), Lady_hahaha (Poland), Bshineyb (Denmark), imdangerous (USA), FOBrox (Great Britain), RubyKettle (Great Britian), Anoud_316 (Saudi Arabia)
- Signed copies of Humanoid are winging their way across the globe to the lucky winners of the Tokio Hotel Scenery Contest ...
- Beat the Designer: Jojo & Malou - Studio Visit with winners and runners up ...
- Doe mee aan Stardoll's 3de verjaardag van Stardoll wedstrijd en ontwerp de perfecte feest scenery.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de wedstrijd! een winnaar elke dag van de week!! De wedstrijd loopt tot donderdag 30 april 2009.
Bekijk hier de winnaar van dinsdag!
- Spectacular! is a whirlwind adventure of exciting tunes and choreography!
And you had the chance to hum every tune, learn every dance and Win Stardollars with The Stardoll Spectacular! Contest!
Thanks to everyone that entered - see who the lucky winner is ....
Check out the Winning Designs (Click Here)
Design your own garment in StarDesign and win amazing prizes!
10 runner ups will win a logo charm on silk cord bracelet designed by Robert lee Morris for Elizabeth and James
The Grand prize winner will get the bracelet and a signed copy of the Olsen's new book Influence - a compilation of 22 interviews of creative visionaries conducted by Mary-Kate and Ashley.