Look a Like
- Today, I had a request from LindsyMarie, to do a Rose Tyler look-a-like from Doctor Who! If you are a Whovian like me, I hope I did okay!
- This week I came across this doll and was inspired to make this blog.
- Hi there guys, thankyou for all the lovely comments last time, Im really glad you like the look a likes. Next week im going to do celebrities of your choice, so dont be afraid to ask me who you would like me to 'stardolliform' :D
The outfits
- Hi! Ik ben givemecookies, een van de winnaars van de look-a-like wedstrijd.
Ik wil iedereen eerst graag bedanken voor alle stemmen! Ik heb gewonnen omdat ik op Pink lijk! :)
Ik ben zo blij en trots op mezelf, dank jullie wel!