Adele is probably the most talented singer out there right now. She writes her own music and her voice is AMAZING. We've heard a lot of rumors from
Adele about when her next album would come out, we even heard she was taking a 3 year break from music! But it turns out that
Adele plans to have a new single out by the end of the year! Hooray! She is also planning a new album in two years! "If I didn't write my own songs, I'd be out next week with a new album,"
Adele recently stated. "I have to take time and live a little bit. There were a good two years between my first and second album, so it'll be the same this time."
Adele was asked about who she would like to sing with and she said, "I adore
Beyonce, I've been listening to her since I was about 11." What a great duet that would be! We can't wait for the new single, the new album, and maybe a
Beyonce-collaboration! (bbc)