Augustus 2011
- De sterren geven mij een teken...
- Nil liep met haar vriendinnen door de stad. Het was al laat, omdat de winkels sloten...
- Misschien brengt de Sea of Starsster jou geluk...
- Een magische medaillon die al je wensen kan vervullen...
- Toen Sophie naar school liep werd ze ineens meegezogen in een groot witblauw glinsterend gat...
- Het was midden in de nacht de sterren schitterden aan de hemel.
Photo: Retna
Ever wonder how the Kardashians get their coveted hair styled and camera-ready every day? The secret: it’s all in the middle part. But mastering the middle part can be tricky, so we’ve rounded up the dos and don’ts of the center part. Do: Add waves. Straight hair with a middle part is an extreme look (if you can pull it off, why not), but waves add a softness that makes your overall look less harsh. Rachel Bilson’s mastered the middle part, and the loose waves add the perfect soft finishing touch.
- Oh are you ready for some Glee spoilers? If so, keep reading! If not, then go re-watch Season 2! You know you want to! So here's the scoop on our favorite Gleeks!
Rachel: Nothing so crazy is going to happen to Rachel...right now, she's just going to be her same Broadway obsessed self. But we hear she has some cool story lines with Blaine and Kurt!
Santana: May or may not have problems graduating.
Mike Chang: Might have some confrontations with Sue!
Blaine: He and Kurt are still together and he will probably still be at Dalton!
- Ever since the Cheerios switched sides and become proper Gleeks, we've really loved the individual style of each girl (Quinn, Brittany, and Santana) but we have to admit, the Cheerio with the best style is definitely Brittany (Heather Morris)! We're constantly inspired by her crazy trendy outfits. A lot of her clothes seem inspired by Heather herself, so we decided to take a peek into her wardrobe!
Heather has great style! She has that perfect balance between totally glam and totally casual. She's also not afraid to go a bit off-trend (at least in the red carpet sense) with knee socks, playsuits, and wild earrings. We love that she always dresses age appropriately, and never tries to dress older than she is. So many young actresses dress like their 45 and it's just...ugh! What do you think of Heather's style? Love or hate? Click on the photos to see more of Heather's awesome outfits!