

What's Your Horoscope? No. 2

83 ヶ月前


To continue my star sign series, today we'll be looking into the second sign in the zodiac, Taurus. The date range for Taurus is April 20 - May 21. Taurus' sign is the bull. 

Those who are Taurus love getting rewarded. They like comfort and all things that are soothing, and enjoy a nice drink with a good meal. They are very artistic people, but they can also be stubborn. They perserve in their work and like to get things done, though they can take their time to do this, as they like to get a close-to perfect outcome. The bull sticks with it until they get to their goal, being patient as they do so. People who are Taurus are usually self-indulgent. They like to make their friends happy and they are sentimental, as well as being loyal and romantic. While they can be argumentative, they often like being calm and try their best to be like this whenever possible. They are also usually strong and enjoy sports and activities like basketball or hiking, but they wouldn't turn down a night at the ballet! The bull can be possessive sometimes, but not very often.

Thanks for reading about Taurus with me! I hope you like the post and tell me in the comments if this describes you or anyone you know who is a Taurus!


Are you a Taurus?





