Since Flash is no longer supported after the end of 2020, you need to use the downloadable launcher to continue playing Stardoll.
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Influencer25Vote more than 5000 times for anything!Fama e Successo20Diventa una semifinalista di Miss Stardoll WorldStardoll Family25Be a member for 7 years.È Nata Una Stella7Diventa Superstar.
Sosia celebre: Rebecca Hall- Celebritá favorita: Faith Hill
- Musica favorita: All kinds
- Genere cinematografico preferito: Family
- Piatto favorito: Mom's and Grandma's recipes
- Colore favorito: Rainbow
- Lavoro dei sogni: Helping others
- TV-show favorito: Non hai fatto nessuna dichiarazione!
- Colore occhi: Brown
- Colore capellil: Brunette
- Hobby preferito: Family & Friends
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