Since Flash is no longer supported after the end of 2020, you need to use the downloadable launcher to continue playing Stardoll.
Get the Launcher!
  • Bergabung: 2018-05-24
  • Terlihat online terakhir kali: 1 bulan lalu
  • 4 Sudut Dunia15
    Kumpulkan 4 koleksi suite mewah.
  • Sangat Dekat15
    Hubungkan akun Stardollmu ke Facebook dan terhubung selama 200 hari.
  • Latar Terbaik25
    Jadi Pemenang Latar Terbaik!
  • Influencer25
    Vote more than 5000 times for anything!
  • Model Superstar25
    Jadi Covergirl!
  • Ratu Pesta25
    Menang Kontes Perancang Pesta.
  • Climbing to the Top15
    Visit a member's suite from each level from 1 to 50.


Barbie Jet Set Style
Mirip selebriti: Barbie Jet Set Style
  • Selebriti favorit: Barbie
  • Musik favorit: World-music
  • Jenis film favorit: Anime
  • Makanan favorit: Fast foods
  • Warna favorit: Pink
  • Cita-cita: Fashion Designer
  • Acara TV favorit: I don't watch T.V.
  • Warna mata: Brown
  • Warna rambut: Dirty Blonde
  • Hobi favorit: TV/PC-games