- Daniella
Hey dollies! Today's blog post is my second "Stardoll History" post. This "Stardoll History" post will be about how Starplaza and it's stores have changed over the years.
If you were a member of Stardoll back in 2006 or 2007, you probably remember starplaza looking like this:
- Daniella
- Anaja00
- Anaja00
- sparklewand12
- Hey :) This post is about what I think your Stardoll wardrobe essentials should be! And today, namely the basics - clothing that never loses it's classic touch!
- sparklewand12
- Tylerisbold
"It is easily overlooked that what is now called vintage was once brand new". - Tony Visconti
Stardoll - a lovely place to find out about the latest fashion sensations and, of course, live that luxurious dream. The Starplaza is where you can do just that. With fabulous shops that tend to release new collections daily, your supply of beautiful garments will never run low!
One of my favorite shops that Stardoll's exclusive Starplaza has to offer is 'Decades': an ever-changing vintage boutique! With a variety of magnificent authentic apparel, you are able to take a step back in time. This website is full of rare individuals that have their own passion for fashion. If you are a new member here, or even a pioneer - I recommend taking a closer look at this shop! Vintage is a staple for those that are fashion forward. This store will help you to understand the history of the powerful clothing and trends that you see today.
Leave a comment if you are wearing something from Decades. Who knows, you might just end up in my next post, right here in Stardoll Magazine!
- Tylerisbold
- Stardoll Admin
- Ove sezone Halloweena donosimo vam posljednju Pet-A-Porter kolekciju – sa uvrnutim tvistom!
Ovi ljubimci sada izgledaju zastrašujuće, ali jednog dana ćete ih vidjeti kako se transformiraju u super-slatke verzije prijašnjih stvorenja koja bljuju vatru, slinave poput zombija ili krvavih čudovišta. Ipak, to ćete moći vidjeti tek kada stignemo u nešto manje zastrašujuće doba godine, kada cijeli svijet bude pun veselog raspoloženja...
Kada bi to moglo biti? Ostavite vaše sugestije u kućicu za komentare!
- Stardoll Admin
- ElleGirl
Dobro jutro Stardoll!
Elle.Stardoll i ja jednostavno obožavamo takvu strast za modom koju ste nam pokazali u komentarima za njenu odjevnu kombinaciju!
Susrećem se s nekim prijateljima danas za ručak, i u vedrom sam raspoloženju—baš poput vremena vani. Zar ne možeš vidjeti? :)
Što misliš o mojoj kombinaciji za ovaj tjedan? Reci mi u komentarima!
Detalji 'Outfita':
Sunčane naočale: Bonjour Bizou
Naušnice: Miss Stardoll World
Ogrlica: Bonjour Bizou
Haljina: Bonjour Bizou
Remen: Bonjour Bizou
Torbica: Young Hollywood
Cipele: Young Hollywood
- ElleGirl
- Elle.Stardoll
- Bok cure!
Nedavno sam bila u stvarno velikim 'shopping' turama u Starplazi sa svojom naj frendicom ElleGirl--- Ne mogu dočekati da ti pokažem sve što sam kupila!
Ludo sam se zaljubila u ovu odjevnu kombinaciju iz kolekcije Young Hollywood:
Što misliš o mojoj kombinaciji za ovaj tjedan? Reci mi u komentarima!
Outfit details:
Haljina: Young Hollywood
Torba: Young Hollywood
Cipele: Young Hollywood
- Elle.Stardoll
- Callie.Stardoll
- The Windows of the World store is now open - to all World Cup fans! No matter which team you cheer for, show your team spirit by kicking the ball over to Starplaza and scooping up the jersey of your favorite player.
Check out the rest of the post for all the players featured in the WoW shop! And watch all the WWC action starting on the 26th of June!
- Callie.Stardoll
- Callie.Stardoll
- Spring is finally at our doorstep, the Royal Wedding is nigh upon us and l'amour is in the air. Cupid’s arrow has struck Stardoll squarely in the heart -- we are feeling the love!
- Callie.Stardoll