Young Hollywood
- Get the clues to figure out who's the owner of this cute dog!
This weekend has really been a fantastic one when it comes to new releases!
Can you guess who’s our new Mystery Celeb?
Can you figure out the identity of our Mystery Celeb?
Can you figure out this week’s mystery? Get the clues here!
Kim K-inspired hair and more Kimye fashion, straight from their Paris trip!!
Stardoll Admin
- Who's this cutie?
Stardoll Admin
- Find out who's this colourful Mystery Celeb!Image: posh24
The StarBazaar is my new favorite place to hangout on Stardoll! As of today, all of the Young Hollywood Dresses are available for sale there.
Dobro jutro Stardoll!
Elle.Stardoll i ja jednostavno obožavamo takvu strast za modom koju ste nam pokazali u komentarima za njenu odjevnu kombinaciju!
Susrećem se s nekim prijateljima danas za ručak, i u vedrom sam raspoloženju—baš poput vremena vani. Zar ne možeš vidjeti? :)
Što misliš o mojoj kombinaciji za ovaj tjedan? Reci mi u komentarima!
Detalji 'Outfita':
Sunčane naočale: Bonjour Bizou
Naušnice: Miss Stardoll World
Ogrlica: Bonjour Bizou
Haljina: Bonjour Bizou
Remen: Bonjour Bizou
Torbica: Young Hollywood
Cipele: Young Hollywood