So when I posted here last time, you guys were really keen on seeing some Non-Superstar outfits. This time, I HAVE COME TO THE RESCUE in order to bring you some cute Non-Superstar outfits that you'll be happy wearing. ^_^
Hey readers.
With bonfire night coming in less than 9 days I thought I would show you an outfit that I think is perfect for the colourful night of fireworks.
Hello readers :) Today I'm going to show you a completely non-SS outfit I made! It includes the Fallen Angel tube top, the Fallen Angel heavyweight black platforms, the Monte Carlo cropped tweed jacket and the Wild Candy colour block skirt. Here is an image of the outfit!
It only costs 279 starcoins, which would take an average of 70 days to save up for!
Dobro jutro Stardoll!
Elle.Stardoll i ja jednostavno obožavamo takvu strast za modom koju ste nam pokazali u komentarima za njenu odjevnu kombinaciju!
Susrećem se s nekim prijateljima danas za ručak, i u vedrom sam raspoloženju—baš poput vremena vani. Zar ne možeš vidjeti? :)
Što misliš o mojoj kombinaciji za ovaj tjedan? Reci mi u komentarima!
Detalji 'Outfita':
Sunčane naočale: Bonjour Bizou
Naušnice: Miss Stardoll World
Ogrlica: Bonjour Bizou
Haljina: Bonjour Bizou
Remen: Bonjour Bizou
Torbica: Young Hollywood
Cipele: Young Hollywood
- Bok cure!
Nedavno sam bila u stvarno velikim 'shopping' turama u Starplazi sa svojom naj frendicom ElleGirl--- Ne mogu dočekati da ti pokažem sve što sam kupila!
Ludo sam se zaljubila u ovu odjevnu kombinaciju iz kolekcije Young Hollywood:
Što misliš o mojoj kombinaciji za ovaj tjedan? Reci mi u komentarima!
Outfit details:
Haljina: Young Hollywood
Torba: Young Hollywood
Cipele: Young Hollywood
- Harumika lets girls quickly and easily create their own looks with no gluing, sewing or scissors involved!
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