Travanj 2012
Photo: Jake Rosenberg for The Coveteur
There’s no shortage of websites and series dedicated to peeking inside the homes of creative people. But The Coveteur’s subjects for Who What Wear‘s fashion office series only get to show off their work space. What they do with a simple wooden desk or glass cubicle is consistenly inspiring, but today’s edition is also newsworthy. Lauren Bucquet, the head designer of rag & bone’s shoes and accessories, let slip that she’s hard at work on the brand’s first collection of handbags. Bucquet’s the one responsible for rag & bone’s Newbury boot, the perfectly shaped leather or suede booties spotted on every model from here to Timbuktu. The designer, who was David Neville and Marcus Wainwright’s first intern when they launched five years ago, also tells WWW that the brand is about to “expand our footwear line in a very strong way.” In the meantime, they’re continuing to open up stores as fast at other brands close them. The latest, which opened on Friday, is at 909 Madison Avenue.
Sarah Sophie Flicker, Melissa Coker & Maximilla Lukacs in front of their film. Photo: Getty Images
After Wren’s Melissa Coker premiered a film starring Tavi Gevinson for her fall 2012 collection in New York last week, the collective reaction among attendees—and, later, those watching and re-watching the video at home—seemed to be: “Wow. Tavi looks so…grown up.” Taking through the making of the film, Sarah Sophie Flicker, who co-directed with Maximilla Lucaks, says that keeping things age-appropriate was in fact something she was concerned about from the very beginning. For starters, the title, “Beware of Young Girls,” was borrowed from the 1970 Dory Previn hit that the singer wrote while in despair over her husband, composer Andre Previn, leaving her for the much younger Mia Farrow. (Flicker thought some of the song’s lyrics to be too mature—“And she just took him from my life/Oh yes she did/ so young and vain/ she brought me pain”—and suggested that Gevinson sing only the chorus.) But also Flicker, who has two young children, found herself feeling overly protective of the 15-year-old Gevinson, only to realize that her subject was hardly a rookie. When we reached Flicker at home, she was in the middle of bath time with her kids, Arrow Marie and Wilder Stauning, and packing for a ten-day vacation in France. Passing off duties to her husband, Flicker spoke to about redefining the song’s meaning to fit her modern muse, shooting on an unusually cold day in LA, and having Lula Magazine’s Leith Clark style via Skype!
- Hey dollies! Today I am going to show you 3 outfits that I put together for Spring. Spring is one of the best fashion seasons (after Summer, of course!) because that's when all new trends start to come out.
- "How about this big Poofy Ballgown? How about a tight short dress? ..does this dress make me look short?"..Ooh, It's that time of year again! PROM SEASON! For many of us, this is an exciting time.. getting to try on beautiful gowns, window shopping, and crashing Macy's dressing rooms with your friends. However; there's a lot more that goes into Prom shopping than you think!
- Stardoll and certainly allows us to wear what we like clothes and accessories, etc. ..
To feel that we are in our real life, Stardoll is another house for me
- From this post onwards, I will be doing a new topic. Stardoll Fashion. Okay, so we don't always have hundreds of stardollars and starcoins which is why I will always focus on a mixed price range reasonably cheap budget of 300sc and 20sd. This weeks focus is spring, lovely colours, pretty patterns and hopefully, a little more style.
Today I made an outfit that looks like Kate Middleton in this picture:
- From the recent season of Decades, there's a lovely dress that I would like to bring more attention to, since I absolutely love it!
Its coming summer and the new trends are in, but what a better way to work them than accessories??
Why not have a chunky or long necklace.... Or Headband or hat.... Always add some bandles!