Styled Outfits
- DIY系列幫你自己動手制作今春的流行亮點...快來翻新你的時尚主張,利用你所有的材料表達屬於本季的時尚概念。滿足基本需要是任何創新的領路人-- 如同今日瞬息萬變的世界 -- 你可以使用千變萬化的織物,面料來完成屬於你的原創作品,向世界宣布你的時尚宣言。
- As Spring takes hold, a refreshing and pretty style is out ...The Butterfly Effect ... that is sure to cause a bit of a stir ... just about everywhere!
Like butterflies, fashion is known for its renewal and unusual lifecycles, and there are a serious of stages, just like trends come and go. This Styled Outfits is inspired by butterfly-themed fashions and encapsulates the essence of a new beginning, a time for change and bringing a unique style to your look.
Butterflies aim to attract attention with their colorful wings, and Stardoll's can use their creativity when visiting Starplaza to make a very individual look for themselves with the Butterfly Effect Styled Outfits.
Butterflies are so in right now, and also a popular motif in the visual and literary arts. Be bold and beautiful this season, use diverse patterns, brightly colors and big prints to make your look erratic yet graceful ... just like a butterfly!
Let the butterfly inside of you out, express yourself ... and see what the effect will be!
- The hottest style that is emerging on the streets of every city right now - Street Dancer - is a free-for-all, break-out look to be worn in every day spaces.
Inspired by hip-hop and its music, its about having a good time with your look and interpreting the existing styles freely - even inventing new ones to create a personal style of your own .
Just as free-style dancers perform, improvisation is at the heart of this style and it's about being creative and bringing your personality to your look.
Street Dancer Styled Outfits are based on a unique style for Stardolls who feel they can express themselves through colorful clothes, shoes, jewelry, handbags and makeup and not forgetting your hairstyle. It's a form of art!
So get down with the beat, visit Starplaza and create some street-worthy styles to express yourself and keep the hip-hop look alive- are you hip enough?
- 復興昔日“舞”媚 -- 重拾舊日經典,今日時尚界重新聚焦80年代經典 - 不容每一個時尚達人所錯過的“霓裳舞衣”裝扮!!
繼已流行了10年的蓬發裝束之後,我們重新混合出另一種屬於今天的電子音樂風時尚, 其中完美揉合多種色彩於legging款式,集視覺與聽覺的審美取向為一體。
所有設計細節都在於褶層 - FAME! 通過這些完美的細節,我們的設計師為你呈上露肩的休閑上衣,緊身衣,綁腿,等等 -- 所有作品都極富動感,讓人不禁想隨節奏翩遷起舞。
霓裳舞衣系列為你提供了所有讓你看上去大膽性感的道具 -- 不僅僅隻是穿上這些設計獨特的衣服,請蓬鬆你的秀發,化一個明麗的妝, 帶上些琳琅的首飾,你就是本季的完美。
-- 因為時尚就是我所有的激情 Izzy Stardoll
- Carpe Diem means 'Seize the Day! -- these extraordinary denim pieces are definitely made to be seized and will certainly make your day.
Trendy and youthful, with inspiration pulled from labels like Jill Stuart and 3.1 Phillip Lim, this Styled Outfits is for Stardolls who are on the best of terms with the latest urban trends -- and know that anyway you cut it denim is a classic!
- 本季時尚服飾-黑白經典的未來試圖構建一組融時尚感及建筑線條感於一體的時尚風格-- 尋覓永恆,完美四季。本季系列的設計靈感來自於Michael Kors和Moschino等設計師,同時集粹了許多前期的時尚元素:連身裙,修身的長款窄裙以及純色設計。
--cause Fash is my Pash Izzy Stardoll
- 《Just What Is It》讓今天流行不同以往,如此迷人? Pop Art (現代大眾藝術)以迅雷之勢迅速風靡。
活力,青春而不失甜美— 迷你裙裝的不及膝設計,以及 多邊剪裁是該風格的主要特征。翹望蔚藍天穹...誰在展翅翱翔,是無憂的鳥兒或是銀色的飛機? 都不是,那是我們身著Roy Lichtenstein,裙裾飄逸的超級會員SuperStarDoll!
- Bossa Nova系列新裝設計靈感來自於時裝界多產的明星(一季四個新裝系列!),來自於巴西的Alexandre Herchcovitch以及她的作品以及品牌Pucci的海邊天堂圖案系列。Bossa Nova系列擁有豐富多彩的流行色元素,波浪和萬花筒圖案。絲巾圍裙和大的珠寶首飾都屬於此品牌的亮點設計。
Slumber Party Styled Outfits takes inspiration from the resort looks of designers like Douglas Hannant with simple shifts and tunics in bright jewel tones, some sportier fare in crisp cottons and natural linens and a few floaty frocks with minimal embellishment. This Slumber Party is sprinkled with lingerie touches that give a nod to the buttoned-down sophistication of the husband and wife design team at A.F. Vandevorst. Sweet Dreams, mon cher Stardolls.