152 महीने पहले

Have you ever wondered if a NON-SUPERSTAR could win MSW? It might sound impossible, but if you believe, you could become Stardoll's FIRST EVER non-superstar MSW!!!! It is always the Royalties getting it, which is fair, because they try just as hard as we do! But always believe in yourself! There are non-superstars getting Covergirl lately, which is a great inspiration to people that wants to be Stardolls first non-superstar! So try to promote this paragraph, and help non-superstars become in the spotlight of fame for a MSW trophy! VOTE NON-SUPERSTARS PEOPLE!

Anyway, thanks for reading, I just want to say, NEVER GIVE UP! YOU WILL ACHIEVE IF YOU BELIEVE! 

इसमें पोस्ट की गई:user contentenMSW



हमारे Star ब्लॉगर्स के बारे में जानें


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