To celebrate the release of The Secret of Moonacre (in Cinemas 6th February), we are giving away tickets to the UK London premiere on Sunday 25th January!
One talented Grand Prize Winner will go with a Stardoll camera crew as our Special Stardoll guest and meet the star of the movie Dakota Blue Richards!
We have a Winner! Look for footage from the UK premiere coming soon
- Alexandra Burke a remporté la finale de l'émission X Factor. Cheryl Cole est heureuse. Beyonce est épatante, comme toujours...
Félicitations Alexandra! Tu peux pleurer de joie si tu veux.
Je mate les étoiles... de demain - Vicky SD***
- This is Lily Allen's new music video 'The Fear' ...
Here it is the Same Difference Interview from Contest Winner Lauren aka munhkinrulz --
Don't miss the choreography lesson from Same Difference -- all dedicated StarDancers need to nail these moves.
We love Same Difference ... after all we have the Same initials!!
Callie SD (get it!)
Lauren, plus connue sous le pseudo munchkinrulz, a gagné notre concours X Factor. Elle s'est retrouvée en coulisses (et sur scène!) avec le groupe Same Difference dans l'émission britannique X Factor (un genre de Nouvelle Star).
Voici quelques images de l'heureuse gagnante avec ses idoles. Toutes les interviews BIENTÔT!
- We have a winner! munchkinrulz went backstage at X Factor and interviewed Same Difference ...and more!! Look for all the video footage coming Soon!
Now you can parlay your Stardoll skills into a chance to win tickets and backstage passes to interview Series Four X Factor stars 'Same Difference' to celebrate their debut single “We R One” (24 Nov) and debut album “Pop” launch
Une Nouvelle Star pour les Superstars ... La Stardoll Ari Koivunen est un jeune rocker finlandais qui est la coqueluche de son pays depuis qu'il a remporté la 3ème saison de la Nouvelle Star, version finlandaise.
Read the debut of the new Stardoll column ASK PAULINA and find out about supermodels, their spaniels, and how to become a model and if you should become a model?
In this, my very first column for Stardoll, I’d like to introduces myself, and of course, my trusty little sidekick Dexter. Unless you watch America’s Next Top Model, you may have no idea who I am. According to Tyra Bank’s introduction, I am a legendary supermodel. (I’m really glad she says it, so I don’t have to.) Five hundred covers later, I’d like to add that I was a supermodel when your mom was your age. Dexter wants me to tell you I’m also a really good mom.
Now, for Dexter ... (read the whole column)
- Şebnem Ferah is a Turkish singer and song-writer.
- Le nouveau clip de Katy Perry s'appelle Hot n Cold ...
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Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll