Olivia Giacobetti’s green fragrance line is naturally fabulous
The strangest treatments from around the world ...
- Voilà pourquoi Lindsay Lohan ne faisait plus la une des tabloïds depuis quelques temps. Enfermée dans un laboratoire, elle a joué au petit chimiste et a concocté un spray autobronzant dont elle veut nous faire profiter. Et si elle contactait l'équipe des Bronzés pour jouer dans "Les Bronzés à Hollywood"?...
- Actress Catherine Zeta Jones thinks that strawberries and apples are great natural ways to clean your teeth ...
Read the debut of the new Stardoll column ASK PAULINA and find out about supermodels, their spaniels, and how to become a model and if you should become a model?
In this, my very first column for Stardoll, I’d like to introduces myself, and of course, my trusty little sidekick Dexter. Unless you watch America’s Next Top Model, you may have no idea who I am. According to Tyra Bank’s introduction, I am a legendary supermodel. (I’m really glad she says it, so I don’t have to.) Five hundred covers later, I’d like to add that I was a supermodel when your mom was your age. Dexter wants me to tell you I’m also a really good mom.
Now, for Dexter ... (read the whole column)
- Hayden Panettiere gets pampered at the Yuri Japanese Nail Salon in LA ...
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