- J'aime beaucoup Coco Chanel et aujourd'hui j'ai décidé de faire une version de ma doll comme elle :
Heya everyone,
So I am back again and today I would like to talk about the new Valentine's day inspired collection for the dot store. Most of you already know about it, but if you don't. You need to check it out now.
Comment avoir une bouche colorée sans un maquillage trop chargé ?
C'est simple : misez tout sur les lèvres !
Plus vos yeux seront discrets, plus votre bouche ressortira.
Step One
Add fake lashes, and both mascaras, for full eyelashes!
- Aujourd'hui, j'ai créé toutes sortes de maquillages pour Noël...
- J’ai concocté spécialement pour vous six maquillages pour votre Doll spécial réveillon ! Les voici :
- J’ai décidé que je pouvais faire un Tutoriel Image qui peux vous aider à faire un maquillage spécial Noël !
- Hello again! This time im going to do 5 makeovers for every post. Then, on my next post, I will do the natural beauties again. Sound ok? GOOD! (This way I can get through the list quicker!) x Enjoy!
Medoll: Kiddier
Before After
Hello Starblog readers. Today, I have a simple makeup tutorial to share with you. I created this to show how I made my own medoll's look.
Nothing extravagant, but hopefully this inspires you to try something new with your accessories, or inspires you to try new looks in general. Enjoy!
- Hello guys! After last times post, I got many responces. Thanks for all!
Before and After, and Natural Beauties. The two choices! I will give a Natural Beauty of the post, with a tip or two, but I will be giving a natural makeover with a themed one too.
I hope you like this idea. Now, A L O T of you have asked to be in my first post, but Im sorry, I just cant get everyone in but I have been making lists so you might get a turn! :)
So, I have had quite alot of you wanting to be my natural beauty...
SpeakNow. is a very natural member with just a little bit of makeup. I think she is a perfect example of how being natural can be beautiful!
Rencontre nos Starbloggeuses
Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll