Here's what -LimitedEdition had to say about her designs:
- All of us long for soft, kissable skin and at times this beauty wish can be easily achieved. However as winter approaches, bringing cold weather with it, soft skin can suddenly become difficult to get your hands on. Your skin changes with the seasons. In winter, the colder, drier air can lead to tight and irritated skin.
Image from:
Hello stardoll!
I thought I should do more makeup tutorials, so I decided to do a makeup tutorial on Marilyn Monroe, it's very simple if you have the right makeup, and you will need to have pale skin on your medoll and superstar for the hair.
Step 1. Pick the following facial features and hair:
- Aujourd'hui, j'aimerais parler de mes toutes nouvelles créations ! Simples & originales, j'ai voulu créer des sortes de gilets avec des pulls en dessous. Ils n'ont pas été copié, mais créés par mon imagination ! ...
- Happy Friday, dearest Dollies!
I'm so glad it's Friday, partly because the weekend is finally here, but mostly because it means that it's time for this week's Dream Suite!
GirlyPelka's eclectic mix of dark gothic, Asian-inspired and nature-themed rooms is creativity as it's best! It's all in the details: the evenly sowed field of crops, the perfectly placed bubbles in the underwater scene...even the carefully positioned grass in the upside-down outdoor scene!
Take a scroll through the recent images of GirlyPelka's suite below, then visit the Suite!
- Le look vintage, c’est quoi ? Eh bien, le look vintage est la reprise de vêtements anciens portés au quotidien. Le mieux est de les remettre au goût du jour...
J'aimerais vous faire découvrir un nouveau progrès de la technologie.
Maintenant nous pouvons visiter des rues, des villes, librement et sans sortir de chez soi!...
- Qui ne connait pas le mikado? Et bien, aujourd'hui on va les faire maison ! J'aurais bien pris des photos de ma préparation mais j'y ai pas pensé.. A vous de jouer :)
Ton expérience, à 400 km du sol au dessus de nos têtes, visible pas le monde entier, tu aimerais ?
Eh bien c'est possible avec le grand concours SpaceLab !
Hello stardoll!
Today I'm going to show you how to recreate outfits from the recent Miss Sixty collection using entirely non superstar items! So let's get started.
Rencontre nos Starbloggeuses
Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll