Hey readers, it's been a long time without a Lookbook post from me, so here's a look I found just recently from the stunning XFashion-LoverX:
- Not long ago on the 20th of February it would have been the 45th birthday of the amazing Kurt Cobain (Singer and guitarist from the band Nirvana) so this inspired me to make this post about the wonderful era that was the 90's!
I truly love Photography. It is my Passion! If you love photography, then keep on reading!
Hello dolls
This post is not about promoting anorexia or morbidly thin looks however it is about promoting that we all become more conscious about our health and healthy living. Here are a few simple ways :
- Pour ce deuxième numéro de "comment mettre en valeur vos hot buys bijoux 2" , je vais prendre des lunettes de Soleil! (Cela donne un avant gout du Printemps...
- ....and hide your flaws!! Let's face it girls - how many times have you walked into a store with excitement, but walked out completely disappointed? How many times have you seen your dream dress, tried it on, and turns out it looks better on the hanger? Guess what, nine times out of ten, you're probably looking at the wrong type of clothing for you.
- Wearing a sari doesn't have to be a total nightmare! Follow these simple tips to ensure you look elegant and graceful at your function. Trust me, you can't go wrong!
Hey dollies! Today, I am starting a new Star Blog segment about Stardoll's history. In this post, I will be starting off the segment with a story about how we earned free stardollars before starcoins were created, and why we have the store BASICS in starplaza. Here's the story:
In a country known for its winters, Finnish style is all about being, “comfortable and easy to wear,” says Venice.girl.
Rencontre nos Starbloggeuses
Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll