With her fantastic suite, she’s done wonders with affordable materials found in the suite shop. I love how she’s mixed and matched different colours and textures and her rooms transport you to somewhere hot and exotic!
Ever have trouble decided what type of makeup suits your doll for the warm weather ahead? Today, I am back with a sultry makeup look perfect for summer. Best of all- this look can be recreated using nearly any makeup products following these colors.This makeup look is very simple.
- Hey! This is just a fun quiz for everyone to take, no need to write your answer in the comment section, but if you want, you can!
Hello StarBlog readers - this post is about one of my favourite activities to do on Stardoll, make my own clothing in the StarDesign Fashion, and the item of focus in this post is blazers!
- Bonjour les dolls et accros au shopping ! Je vais vous parler de de musée. Je sais très bien que certaines d'entre vous détestez les musées et trouvez ça ennuyant. Je connais un musée qui devrait énormément vous plaire : Le Musée Suisse de la Mode !
For some of you it’s that kind of year again! Winter! A time for snowball fights, making snowmen and more! I promised you all since I made a summer one that I would make a winter one!
- Voilà une série de maquillages pour les yeux réalisés par Jangsara reprenant les couleurs et les codes des différents personnages du film The Avengers, de Hulk à Iron Man en passant par Captain America...
- Hey dollies! Today I am going to show you how to transfer your day outfits to night outfits using 1 - 2 items. Just by adding or taking away pieces in your outfit, the whole look changes.
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Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll