- My last post was about stardoll growing, and also nearing 200,000,000 members. Thank you to everyone who commented, but here are four of my favourites. I have copied and pasted them all, they are your exact words.
- Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week for S/S 2013 has introduced a new protagonist on its catwalks - the mystic muse.
As requested by ShopaholicBree, I am here to share a few tips on how to deal with something we all face in our lives: a crush.
So many today are creating fantastic designs using Hair, from the stardesign hair studio. I can not believe my eyes when I saw kinkinyas doll, it look amazing and awesome! I don't know how they do it, must take a lot of time, but the outcome of it is spectacular! Go visit kinkinyas suite to see his amazing doll♥
What does it mean to be a princess? The other day I was watching a halloween special on Disney with my younger cousin and I saw the most adorable, touching commercial ever. It answers what it actually means to be a princess. Being brave, kind, generous, and compassionate are some of the ways!
- Mostly A's:
You are a very girly girl which means you are sensitive most of the time. You are sweet too but this doesn't stop you from trying to attract attention from boys.When you want something you get it but don't let your feelings get in the way of your dreams. And remember, your not just a pretty face!
- Those days, when the rain just won’t stop pouring. The clouds are heavy, and bump into each other, causing lighting to strike A nearby tree in the valley. The streets are deserted and the traffic lights are broken. You sit by the window, blatantly looking at the dog that is chasing the cat down the street.
- Today's quiz/test will help you to discover who you are and what you look for in life. It also reveals how good of a friend you are.
1) You planned to go out with your BFF ages ago and they turn round at the last minute and say they cant come you:
- Hey dollies! I am so sorry for not posting in a while. I've been busy with school, dance, etc. I've also been planning new Star Blog entries, like this one! With Halloween right around the corner, I thought I'd do some makeup tutorials! The makeuup tutorial I will be showing you today is inspired by Japanese Kawaii.
Hi guys! Halloween is just around the corner as you may know, and many of us are already getting ready.. Prepare yourself with some really simple, really cool Halloween nails! Enjoy!
Youtube credit: IHaveACupake
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Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll