Mortal Kiss Club Members Create Stormy Sceneries!

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Mortal Kiss Club Members have been creating inspiring and stormy Sceneries!

Check out these moody and mysterious  works and keep following the strange adventures of a little town called Winter Mill!


Noticed a man following in the Shadows!
What information is he trying to get?

Read Chapter Seven - Man in the Shadows -  to find out about this mysterious man!


Has spotted a strange wolf hiding out in the Winter Mills Forest...

...perhaps he knows you!  Maybe it is Lucas or Finn? or.....?


Captures the strange snow that has blanketed Winter Mill in early autumn by creating this mysteriously contemplative scene.


Has a more romantic view.....

Keep Reading Mortal Kiss on Stardoll!
What will happen this week?

Two new boys in town and a big party at Candi's but who is that strange 'Man in the Shadows?'  Find out on Stardoll!   Home to the exclusive release of Mortal Kiss!

Check out the Mortal Kiss Club on Stardoll!


