

Hayfever Issues

il y a 83 mois

I, like many others, suffer from hayfever. When it gets really bad, it can really ruin your day (and make up!) And it makes me really irritated! Here are a few tips to keep your hayfever in control.

- Check the forecast. If the pollen count in your area is high that day, make sure to take your hayfever tablet first thing.

- Close the windows. Keeping the windows closed will help to prevent your hayfever from getting worse, use a fan or air conditioning instead.

- Nasal sprays. These really help to clear a blocked nose! You can get also get allergy relievers from a pharmacy that can reduce symptoms using red light therapy.

- Pollen filters. If you own a car, you can buy pollen filters for the air vents. 

- Shower/change regularly. Wash pollen from your hair and body by taking regular showers and changing your clothes if you've been outdoors for a while.

-Vaseline. Applying Vaseline around your nose will stop pollen from getting inside and irritating your nostrils. This also helps with dry and sore skin around the nose area from constant sneezing.



