- Boyband One Direction is working on a new book, called One Direction, Where We Are: Our Band Our Story, and now you Directioners out there can help the guys with it!
1D has asked their fans to send drawings and paintings of a One Direction-inspired national flag, and the best submissions will win a place in the book, Contactmusic writes.
If you're interested in contributing with a drawing, painting or a computer-aided picture you can send it to 1DWWAcomp@harpercollins.co.uk. The book will be released later this year.
- Selena Gomez recently released her new song "Come & Get It", which features lines that has started rumors that it is about Justin Bieber. "I love you too much, much to hide you. This love ain't finished yet"; she sings. But Selena says the song isn't at all about Justin.
"It's not really about a specific person... It exudes confidence and strength and that is something I'm willing to share with the world... I want to represent something good and be a good example.", she told Ryan Seacrest on his show, insisting that it is about herself growing as a confident young lady.
- Halle Berry recently revealed that she's expecting her second child, and everyone were really surprised - even herself. "This has been the biggest surprise of my life to tell you the truth", she said in an interview with CNN.
"I thought I was kind of past the point where this could be a reality for me. So it's a big surprise and the most wonderful", she continued. The father is her fiancé of one year, Olivier Martinez.
- Are you dying to meet a celebrity? Well, that's not impossible at all, if you chose where to go on vacation from this list. We've gathered 6 hotels from all over the world, that almost always include spotting celebrities.
- Sorry to say girls, but Niall Horan is no longer available! Last week it was revealed that Niall is hooking up with Irish model Zoe Whelan. "Niall has been secretly dating Zoe for a couple of months after he met her backstage", an insider tells according to Contactmusic. "She's a Dubliner but is based in London to work on her modeling career".
Niall Horan introduced her to his family last week, at his brother's wedding.
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