- Istanbul, the capitol of Turkey, is full of fashion trendsetters. National Covergirl, Melisya, told me all about Turkish style and flair. Read on to see how you can capture the look too!
- Everyone on Stardoll has heard of GladisK, edgeluvstori, and CrystalsJoy. If you haven’t, then I just don’t know what to say! Almost instantly, cutting edge fashion comes to mind. This incredible triumvirate practically rules the fashion world. If Stardoll had superheros, they would be the most powerful. (Yes, I am secretly a bit of a geek!) I would be honored to be their sidekick. Their style represents their personality without looking like a carbon copy of other stardolls.
Heya everyone,
Winter has to be my favourite season in the year. It's the time of the year where you get to dress your dolls from head to toe. A few days ago I was looking at some poeples suite and I noticed some amazing winter outfits. I picked as few to show you guys but of coarse there were many amazing outfits.
Here are there amazing outfits:1. Moce95
- Varmasti kaikki ovat jo tietoisia että näitä hiuksia pystyy tekemään koru designillä mikä löytyy samasta paikasta kun vaate ja sisustus design. Näppärimmät voivat tehdä hiuksensa itse, tai vaihtoehtoisesti he voivat käydä ostamassa muiden jäsenten luomuksia.
- Moni minun lisäkseni on luultavasti kiinnittänyt huomiota stardollin omiin muotihitteihin.
Hello dolls:)
I'm fairly new here however I've observed the generosity displayed by the site and I think that star doll gets an A+in the area of knowing how to reward it's members. Within this year alone we've received countless free items via contests, joining sponsored clubs, Holiday giveaways, the gift-o-meter etc. Then there's the star coin feature this is amazing because it gives us two ways to shop. Here are some looks that I've put together with the use of Free giveaways and star coin items. Please take a look you never know you might get inspired to do your own star coin/free item look.
Today the Glam Cam is focusing on El Salvador, a small country in Central America. When we think Latin style, bright colors and fun prints come to mind, but is that what the people really wear? I interviewed jeimy89 and learned a lot about her style.
- Hyvää uuttavuotta ihmiset!!! Mitkä on teijän uudenvuodenlupaukset ja mitä tee ootatte vuodelta 2012?
- Mitäs mieltä olette tästä uuesta meikki villityksestä? :D Minusta se on ihana! ♥
- Hi guys! Im going to be doing 'Mix N Match' posts! These will include:
*3 celebrity look a likes
*3 makeovers & a medoll of the post
*3 outfit makeovers
*A natural beauty of the post
So, the Look-A-Likes... *Pics via*
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"