Lokakuu 2012
- Kotieläimiä ei kannata päästää valvovan silmän alta kovin pitkäksi aikaa, katso vaikka näitä kuvia! Kaatuneita maljakoita, lenteleviä kirjoja ja sängystä löytyviä karvoja lemmikin loikoilun jäljiltä...
- Halloween`s just around the corner! Today, I`ll be sharing with you a spooky makeup tutorial, perfect for your doll this Halloween.
- Taylor Swift is pretty as ever as she enters the Ed Sullivan Theater for 'The Late Show with David Letterman' New York City. BUT we must say, we'd rather she wore something a little bit more exciting... all black is so no fun! Not at all!
Olen lähiaikona huomannut paljon meikkitutoriaalipostauksia. Tässä olisi vaalea meikkitutoriaali!
- Eva Longoria speaks to students at University of Las Vegas at an Obama re-election campaign event. Clearly she is Team Obama - are you?!
- She's going back to Hogwarts! Oh no, sorry, we meant Brown University of course. Emma Watson has been all about promoting her new movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower lately, and now when it's coming to an end, she's decided to start school again to finish her degree and get that diploma! She is returning winter semester 2013, so watch out - Rhode Island will be much more exciting soon!
- Snake pattern, UGGs, baggy pants and a waaay too long grandma's skirts. We are not impressed by this week's worst dressed celebrities! What was Kimberly Walsh thinking and why on earth did Heidi Montag even show up after all this time?! Click on the pictures to see top 10 of this week's worst dressed celebrities!
- We all know getting a smile from someone can make your day so we figured this will make the rest of your day a lot better. Click on the photos and check out some of Hollywood’s cutest and heart-melting smiles. We guarantee they’ll make your knees weak!
- Radiohittejä vai kasarin kuminoita? Vai ehkä indietä? Millaista musiikkia itse kuuntelet? Mitä musiikkimakusi kertoo sinusta?
- It's been a while since we saw Kristen Stewart's beautiful smile (yea, you all know why...), but yesterday we spotted her at an airport in Japan. We guess she just received a cute text from Robert Pattinson or something, what else could've put that cute smile on her face?
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"