Lokakuu 2012
- Here's a quick little post to remind all of you lovely, beautiful and talented medolls to make sure and show your support.
- Hey dollies, Thanyou for your comments, apologises for the long wait but here are the answers for my personality/choices quiz:
Phew! School is over, and your ready to go home after a long day. Your tired and all you want to do is get on that bus, and just go home.
But when you walk up to the bus, you see that shy girl/boy from your class who sits in the back, getting picked on by girls/boys bigger his/her size, lenght etc. and all you can do is stare in anger. But you're scared to stand up. So you just walk away, and let it happen.
- Actress Kate Bosworth and fiance Michael Polish head to Bristol Farms after having lunch with their friend in Santa Monica. Looks like you are having a fab time, we will leave you two alone!
- Today I will be talking about the festival of Halloween, it is my favorite time of the year and as soon as it ends, i look forward to next years! Halloween has many origins and meanings, it is celebrated on the 31st of October. In America, the UK and most parts of the Western world it is simply a time where people dress up as monsters and ghouls, have parties and go trick or treating, but it’s roots are deeper than that.
- I am a new starblogger to the starblog team, and I thought for my first blog I'd tell you guys a bit about myself...
Today I thought I'd show you this real girly, cute pink eye tutorial! Do it yourself if you like. I used lovelifegirl's beauty parlour to create a sensational look ;)
- Koska moni tyttö haluaisi olla edes kerran elämässään ncg, olen kirjoittanut ohjeet joita noudattamalla tämän unelman toteuttaminen on helpompi saavuttaa. Toivottavasti näistä on apua monille!
- Hey pretty lady, nice thing you've got going on today! Mandy Moore is out and about in West Hollywood, we love her street style. Those short studded ankle boots are to die!
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"