


122 months ago

"The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose."  ~ George William Curtis

Several features allow us to gift other players. Sometimes a gift can be a real lift, just the right thing at the right time. When I have had a bad day and I log in, it is a special delight to see a gift box in my closet room.

I remember the first gift I got when I was new, and how that made me feel welcomed to Stardoll. Now I like to give gifts to new dolls. I feel I am paying it forward.

Acknowledge gifts. It is good manners to post a thank you at the guestbook of the giver. 

When I give a gift, I do not expect acknowledgement or to get something back. When I give I want that person to have something nice. I do not want to create a feeling of obligation. I only give what I can afford when I wish to. The act of giving is all the pleasure I need.

If you want to put items on your wishlist, try to have some modest choices. It seems crass to expect your friends to give you expensive things. Remember to keep your wishlist up to date.

It is bad manners to beg for gifts. It robs the giver of the pleasure of surprising you. Do not beg for gifts in other forms, such as asking dolls to sell their designs for starcoins or to sell an item to you for less than the item is worth. 

If you cannot or prefer not to give presents, give compliments. Spend a few minutes to find something wonderful about the doll you are visiting and be sincere. Guestbook comments are a great start to building relationships with other players.

Play safe and have fun.


