We all have those days, where we feel under the weather, blue, down or even depressed. Your hair isn't the way you want it to be. You just got some bad news, or just don't feel quite right.
Here's a thing, EVERYONE feels like that once and awhile. Just look around you, the way you feel is something EVERYBODY goes through. But it's okay, it's alright. Here are some tips to make you feel better, even though you feel under the weather.
Έχω την εντύπωση πως ο ρατσισμός στο Stardoll έχει αυξηθεί τον τελευταίο καιρό.. όπως και στην καθημερινή μας ζωή.. Δεν μου αρέσει καθόλου να βλέπω αυτό το φαινόμενο. Έτσι μου ήρθε αυτή η ιδέα και πιστεύω να τα καταφέρουμε όλοι μαζί..
My goal with my articles is to help all you dolls get a boost when you really need it.
That's why I want to help you all individually with your burning questions about life in general. Helping you get through tough times, friendship questions, confidence boosts and more!
Σήμερα είμαι έδω με κάτι καινούργιο για εμένα - ένα άρθρο για μακιγιάζ!
- Now and again, we get a feeling inside of us that something in our life is not going right, or as planned. Situations get altered, messages come over wrong, and whispers become roars. We hold back what we really feel, and inside of us it's crushing to let it out. We feel afraid of what others might think. The pressure of being perfect is at full degree, and if we let 1 flaw show, the whole world is on our backs.
άλλη μια φορά έφτασε μια ακριβώς τέλεια ημερομηνιά! 12/12/12! Είναι ένα γεγονός που γίνεται πολύ σπάνια και ξανά θα συμβεί τον επόμενο αιώνα.
Hi there Stardollies,
Here's an easy recipe for a yummylicious holiday dessert. Gingerbread Cookies... I hope you'll enjoy this recipe!
Hey Dollies! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've just been so busy with school, friends, and activities! Anyway, Christmas is coming up, everyone's favourite holiday! So get celebrating.
For my Christmas countdown, I'm going to try and be a better person. I'm going to help with cleaning the house, try not to fight with my brothers and sisters and help people in need. What are you going to do for your Christmas Countdown?
There are so many wonderful styles that I see on Stardoll everyday, and one individual who I always see looking great is elebachia:
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