

Look like Kate Middleton

πριν 156 μήνες

Hello Everyone!

Today I made an outfit that looks like Kate Middleton in this picture:

Photo: www.Posh24.Com


1. It Girls Clueless Heels- 8 sd

2. Decades Wool Office Dress- 13 Stardollars

3. Belts-

Bonjour Bizou Belt- 10 sc

Bonjour Petel Belt- 30 sc

You put these belts on top of each other to make Kate's larger belt.


Here is the finished outfit:


I hope you try this outfit out!

Kate's Style:

Princess Kate Middleton has a very formal style. Even when she is dressed in a regualar shopping outfit it is still very fancy! She wears a lot of long dresses to formal events. She also wears boots a lot.

I hope you enjoyed this!


