

Learning To Code: HTML Part 5

πριν 81 μήνες

Hello, again Dollies!

Time for part 5!

Continuing. . .

If you're wondering, "What is #FFFFFF?", well #FFFFFF is actually the hex color code for white. Although I could've just wrote white, it's actually better to get into a practice of using hex color codes than just relying on the names of a color.  This is because the hex color codes are created by combining red, green, and blue (RGB) & can create over 16 million colors. 

Next, we need to add a border to the presentation. To do that, we must add "border:20px double #fff;" into the code. Although the property is Border, there is more than just one value now. First, 20px (px = pixels) describes how thick we want the border. Next, you'll see double which is basically saying that we want a double border. Finally, you'll see #fff which is basically saying that we want the border to be white.

The code now looks like this:

< p style="background-color:black;color:#ffffff;border:20px double #fff;" >Hi! I'm a basic presentation!  

When tested, this is what appears:

Hi! I'm a basic presentation!

Continued in Part 6


